The first Term of 2022 has been nothing short of amazing! The SRC and the entire Year 12 cohort have thoroughly enjoyed the start of the year and have been delighted with the participation and engagement of all the high school students.The first major school event of the year was our Inter-House Swimming Carnival, and despite some major adjustments due to Covid, it was a fabulo ...

For some (me included), it鈥檚 a delicious snack that we enjoy for eight days a year with our favourite toppings. For others (poor souls!), it鈥檚 dreadful grub that they despise for eight days and somehow make it bearable by smothering it with favourite garnishes! However, have you ever really considered what the point of matza is? Eating Matza on the first night of Pesach, is of ...

We made it! It鈥檚 the end of Term and time for everybody to take some time off. Our students and staff have worked very hard and it鈥檚 easy to see the signs of tiredness at school. These signs are reflected in a few more latecomers in the morning, some more antsy behaviours from those who have peaked a little early and are struggling to last the final week of term, some friends n ...

The renovations at PHC meant that Elizabeth鈥檚 bat mitzvah service was held on a Friday night at school rather than shule. Initially Elizabeth was disappointed by this, but upon reflection of her family鈥檚 connection and contribution to the history of 国标麻豆视频APP, she was proud to do her bat mitzvah there. Elizabeth was apparently a bit nervous as she hadn鈥檛 done much public s ...

We re-connected with Jessica Bricker (OKC 2013) who has been very busy helping to make the world a better place since graduating from Carmel. Now living in Israel, Jessica鈥檚 journey so far is inspirational, and she has wise advice to share with our current Carmel students. Where did you study and work in the years after 国标麻豆视频APP and before making aliyah? I studied for a ...

Year 7 student, Benjamin L, has advocated for a fish tank to be placed in 国标麻豆视频APP鈥檚 library for the wellbeing of over 40 baby guppies. Passionate for fishkeeping, Benjamin has also taken on the responsibility for monitoring the fish and is striving to raise awareness of healthy practices in doing so. Reflecting on the biggest mistake marine pet owners make, Benjamin stat ...

There is something particularly special about 国标麻豆视频APP graduates walking back through our gates as 国标麻豆视频APP teachers. Blake Segler, Old Kid Carmel (OKC) 2009, returns this year as our new High School Mathematics/Science Teacher and is excited to be working within the 国标麻豆视频APP community once again. Blake says he has always had an interest in all areas of science. ...

One piece of investigative work that I have been particularly enjoying during my first term at 国标麻豆视频APP has been finding out what our community believes constitutes the ideal Carmel graduate. What would we want to be the characteristics and attributes of someone leaving our school? What are the most important and impressive traits of someone who has benefited from a Carmel ...