Ariella R Bat Mitzvahs
Most kids, when looking for something to do, scroll through their phones or turn on Netflix. But not Ariella! She uses her spare time to write cards for people or make them a surprise batch of biscuits. Why? Just to let them know she is thinking of them and to put a smile on their face! Ariella is full of kindness and spunk, a young lady who gets involved and gives her all and her best to everything and everyone.
For her Bat Mitzvah, Ariella had a seudah shlishit at Dianella Shule, followed by a ruach-filled Havdalah and Chanukah candle lighting. Ariella鈥檚 favourite subjects are Hebrew, Torah and Yahadut and she is looking forward to mentor next year with Mr Quelch. In the future, Ariella plans on making Aliya and becoming a marine biologist.
Ariella, the world is your oyster!
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Dianella, Western Australia 6059
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+61 8 9276 1900
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+61 8 9276 1644
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