End of Semester Soiree

Term 2 at ¹ú±êÂ鶹ÊÓƵAPP has been fabulous. This week’s final High School assembly emphasised how busy we have been when speakers listed the opportunities and events we have enjoyed together. Highlights of the term include the amazing talents on show at Sunday night’s music soiree, when performers from the Year 6 scholarship band, a number of High School bands, OKC’s and a surprise act from the staff band all stunned us with their musical gifts. Monday night’s Bar and Bat mitzvah dinner was a thoroughly enjoyable evening of festivity, delicious food and good company, as we celebrated the learning from the Year 7 Bar and Bat mitzvah program.

We also reminisced in assembly about earlier events during the term - the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations, camps and excursions and the Year 9 Biology trip to Herdsman Lake. In the Primary School, the Year 1 assembly last Friday showcased the talents of our young performers, who sang and danced beautifully. Their thought-provoking question about what we would do if we were the prime minister was backed up with their own suggestions, some of which seemed remarkably sensible, considering their lack of political experience.

I had the privilege of speaking to the ‘Living in Retirement’ group in the Gordon Bloomfield Hall this week and shared what I had learnt during the past year at ¹ú±êÂ鶹ÊÓƵAPP. The gentlemen attending were a perfect audience and the cake was delicious. I thoroughly enjoyed the grilling after my talk, too – their intelligent and probing questions exemplified the School value of curiosity, and it was great to be able to talk about what has been going on at our School.

I have been advising High School students to take the time to consider what they as individuals need during the break and to focus their planning around this. Many have worked exceptionally hard this term and will need to ensure they include some rest time, rather than working every day. Others who have not worked as hard as they might, may want to have a break and then schedule some time in the second week to do some study – to catch up on missed work or to focus on areas from Semester 1 which need improving. For all of our students, it will be important to enjoy the company of friends and loved ones, to read a book (or a few) and to spend time getting some fresh air in nature, whether that be running on the beach, walking in the bush or helping out in the garden.

For those of you leaving Perth for a break, please travel safely and enjoy the time away. If you are staying at home, I hope you enjoy a restful time and the good company of your children, as we teachers switch off for a while and prepare ourselves for the second half of the year. Reading through the Semester 1 reports, it is clear that ¹ú±êÂ鶹ÊÓƵAPP’s dedicated teachers genuinely care about the progress our students make. It is also clear that many students are putting in a lot of effort and deserve our congratulations. I thank the teachers, the students and all who work at Carmel for their efforts and thank our parents for their support. Together, we will continue to make a difference for the students in our care.

Shabbat shalom.

Julie Harris